Sunday, January 5, 2014

Canvas #4: 30 Canvases in 30 Days

Right, so we all know that Marie Antoinette never really said, "Let them eat cake."  That doesn't stop me from wanting to paint her with cake.

This is probably a good time to start documenting things I'm learning while I'm doing this:

1) Don't use walnut ink too early in the process.  It darkens the background too much.

2) Don't let the background boss you around.  In this case, I got all tripped up in my choice of color palette because I was preoccupied with how damn dark the background was.  I should have just painted over the background.  I would have enjoyed the process much more.

3) At this moment, I am obsessed with temples.  And dorky mouths.  That's not a lesson.  I don't care.


  1. We live, we learn. I love that this process is opening new creative 'doors' for you, even if they sometimes feel like windows.

    1. Yes, exactly! We live. We learn. We learn to reach for the gesso. LOL. ;)

      At least I am happy with the foreground images!

  2. Ha! Licked it! LOL. Gross. But Marie wonderful, super expression on her face! I can't believe you're painting 9 x 12 every day!

    1. OMG, I know. I have clearly lost my freaking mind. Thank you for the lovely comments! I was really happy with Marie. I wanted to put tons of desserts in her hair, but I ran out of gas, and then I ran out of fumes, and then I went to sleep on the side of the road.

  3. She's terrific! But. Do you mean the temples on your head near your ear? Or like, religious temples? Because those could be cool too. :D

    1. Hahaha. Anatomical temples.

      (Oh man. Now I'm picturing a temple with tendons. Delicious.)

  4. hahahah I was wondering the same thing as CindyD. "licked it" made me laugh a lot. I love Marie and the splatters in her hair.
