Sunday, January 5, 2014

Canvas #3: 30 Canvases in 30 Days

After an exhilarating day of creating my Day 1 and Day 2 painting, I smashed face first into a wall with my Day 3 canvas.  Boo.  Walls are mean.  And hard.  And face-scrapey.

I made a pretty good start of things, although I was a little cranky that I couldn't find my gel medium and had to use Uhu:

I turned up the contrast there so you could see how bright it looked before I toned it down.

Once the glaze dried, I added a figure that I was totally in love with.  We're talking smitten.  I would have worn this one's class ring all day.

Then I had to add hair.  I don't know why hair screws me up, but it does.  I added hair that I hated, and then I had to cover it up, and then suddenly, I was doing a modern Bride of Frankenstein.  Even while I was doing her, I wasn't too sure how I felt about that.

Once I finished, I definitely did not feel happy with the composition or the overall look.  BOO!

Today, I worked on her some more.  She's still not ringing my bell, but she's better.  It's the Bride, v3.2 (with space for notes).

I wanted to add a cigarette on the left (our right) side of her mouth, as if one side needed oxygen and the other side just needed a damn smoke.  I'm too exhausted, though.  Five 9x12 canvases in three days is a lot.

Oh!  Valuable lesson: Stand the canvas up periodically to look at it the way it will be looked at while it hangs on a wall.  Totally different perspective.  Very useful - and sometimes mildly shocking.


  1. I like her. She looks kinda post-apocalyptic to me. IDK why, but I think she's cool.

    1. Thank you! She does have a little of that vibe.

      And I don't mean to be too down on her. I was so incredibly exhilarated after the first two canvases that I was sad to come back to earth. The first two really felt like I had sprouted magical painting wings of some kind, which was a fun feeling but could be very awkward when I try to put on a blazer. ;)

  2. I love her. You know I have a weakness for sutures. And I still think you should give her a cigarette or BETTER YET a huge stogie.

    1. Bwahahaha! That would hilarious - and it would totally work with the palette!
