Saturday, January 23, 2016

Day 17 - The Three Keys

This piece took more time than anything else I have done for the challenge, but I am pretty darn happy with the result.  I hope you can see the slight smile tugging at the corner of her mouth (as they say), because this is a tale from Zora Neale Hurston's Men and Mules about why women have power over men.

You'll find this on the auction site!  If you don't know what auction I'm referring to, you will find out on the auction site!

Are you getting the vague feeling you should GO TO THE AUCTION SITE?  Mm-hmmm.  I'm getting that feeling, too.


  1. Fantastic! I love the bold primary colors. The figure and her outfit are just terrific. And the couch! I love the couch. And that really cool art deco light fixture. I bet this one painting taught you so many things!

  2. I'm with Cindy in loving the color scheme and the very decor of the room. And that woman at the center--she's not only gorgeously done, but her pose is so complex! I love that we can see the very curve of her thigh from her resting hand, and her perfect posture denotes her power as much as the hint of a smile and the dangling of the keys! As a final note, I love the lighting effect of having the rug lit by the sconces and darkens as in nears the bottom of the canvas. Great painting!

  3. I bet this one painting taught you so many things!


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