Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day 15 - Truitonne

This is the halfway point canvas.  EVERYONE REMAIN CALM.  But then calmly order pizza and throw a bunch of confetti in the air. 

In my many readings of the many fairy tales, more than a few of which resemble Cinderella, I encountered one in which the wicked stepsister is called Truitonne, because she has big red spots on her face like a trout.  From the moment I read that, I could not seem to rid my brain of the need to paint an actual trout.  Since I couldn't work out how to put a fish in a dress and have her look cute, I turned the fish into a fantasy conveyance to take Truitonne to the ball.  It's her signature conveyance, her vanity plate, her pumpkin-cum-coach with a twist.  The black hat is an homage to Truitonne's greasy black hair (because yes, somehow the morally questionable stepsister almost winds up being ugly on the outside, too).

Again, this is not available in my shop because it's going into the auction that will run from February 1-8.

1 comment:

  1. This painting is so much fun. I love that you made the scene look simultaneously under water and above ground, both whimsical and realistic, both bright and earthy. I love that the carriage is both a bowl and a jellyfish. And the trout's bowler? Couldn't love it more!
