Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 15: 29 Faces

Sometimes, people are mean and ask me to draw them animals.  Okay, I suppose such a request is not intended to be mean, but it's a little mean regardless, because the thing I really like to draw is people. 

Anyway, from now on, the animal-requesters get goats.  Goats are pretty fun to draw. 


  1. It's the goat! Rupert was it (as named by his new owner)? SO CUTE! Do you find it infuriating that so many people love this goat when you prefer to draw people? I think, maybe just go with it. Do all the things. Maybe do a goat in Tudor attire. :D

  2. I think someone once famously said, "You can't go wrong with goats!". Well, in my mind someone famously said that.

    1. HAHAHAHA! I love the idea that someone famously said that. I'm totally joining you. That got said - famously!
