Thursday, May 22, 2014

50 Canvases in 2014: Miracle Ride Canvas

A few weeks back, I was feeling all kinds of down and out about the tremendous suffering in the world, and more specifically, my total inability to do anything about it.  I posted an open note on Facebook, telling my friends that even though I'm not the most talented artist in the world, I will always, always donate work to fundraising events for causes I support.  Within an hour of posting that, I am delighted to report that I had a PM about the silent auction held during the annual Miracle Ride, a big motorcycle charity event here in Central Indiana that raises money for Riley Hospital for Children.  It's hard to think of a better cause than helping sick kids and their families!

Better still, several of my friends decided to join with me in creating art for the auction.  I'll post shots of all the work next week (some of it is still en route to my house), but meanwhile, here are progress shots of my canvas, which is a 9x12 made in the hope that it will appeal to a woman who rides!


  1. wow your painting is great Ann, am sure it will be sold quickly. Happy PPF, Annette x

  2. Wonderful painting, I used to dream of riding when I had my motor bike back in the old days! Good luck with your charity work, Valerie

  3. cool painting and great cause to paint it. Thank you for sharing and good luck with auction.

  4. Oh great painting and I loved to see it progress, especially the first three pictures.

  5. What a loving gesture...such a gorgeous piece to share!! I do the same in my area...painting a guitar for the childrens hospital music program, and a bra for a feels so good to be able to donate your talent!! I have no doubt someone will LOVE it!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. I love how she suddenly appears on the painting! And you did the text so beautifully.... I'm sure she'll get picked up quickly. If I may ask: how did you hang her on the wall? I've tried putting a string in the back to keep it invisible, but then it always hangs a bit crooked because of the nail that pushes it forward. Doesn't seen to be like that on yours ...

  7. Beautiful painting for a good cause. Well done doing both!

  8. Wonderful cause and wonderful painting you've made to contribute.

  9. She's awesome, Ann.. That face, so sweet and dreamy!! <3

  10. Fantastic painting and for a deserving charity.

  11. This is a wonderful painting and for a great cause. You have a good heart.

  12. Fantastic creative art. I'm originally from the midwest. . .good charity. Bikers are the Best. Blessings, Janet PPF (Thanks for the visit.)

  13. What a great fundraising idea. Love it! Thanks for your lovely comments too!

  14. Great fundraising idea. Good luck. Very nice painting and I'm sure it will go fast. Well done.:)

  15. I mostly donate for animal causes, but I can understand your thought. There's such sufference in the world, that sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the emotional wieght.
    Your painting will do the difference. :))

  16. Whoa, what an awesom piece! Pretty and with attitude! I totally know the feels of overwhelm re all the bad stuff am so glad you find ways to channel it! I am involved on issues of social justice, in an artist design capacity by lending art skills to essays etc

  17. Thanks for sharing your art and your story. You have a big heart and lots of talent.

  18. What a great story and a truly lovely painting.

  19. Wow, I love this painting. It was so neat to see your step by step process of painting this canvas. You have inspired me. What a neat story behind the painting as well. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  20. Woooo for your finished motorcycle chick! I really love that uh, checkerboard type pattern thingie? Great visual interest plus the text looks so cool on top. Really the whole background came out wonderfully.

    Terrific hand-drawn text (plus totally perfect line for a motorcycle grrrrl) and the face is so sweet and just a little tough and touched with longing for the open road. (Also will be cool when you post all the motorcycle things!)

  21. What a thoughtful and generous lady you are, and the lovely canvas is just right for a lady biker. I can see that being snapped up very quickly at the auction.
    Thank you for your kind comments on my blog post, very much appreciated.
