Thursday, November 14, 2013

Shambling toward Self-Acceptance

Like many people I have come to know, I am kind of an asshole.  Really, I am demanding, merciless, nasty, short-tempered, unforgiving, and on the darker days, downright psychologically abusive. The reason people keep me around is that I would never knowingly treat another human being this way.  These are just the goodies I give to myself.  It's like a spa package dreamed up by Satan, complete with a citrus honey soul shred and a rejuvenating rubber cement enema.

The reason I'm bloggervating about this is that I know I'm not alone.  Lots of us do it.  At the age of 42, however, I am absolutely and utterly sick of it.  Aren't you sick of it?  God, it's ridiculous.  If I could, I'd kick myself out of the house, throw all of my own clothes on the street, get terrifically drunk, and then start looking for other prospective selves, ones who are nicer, who like me for me.  With a brand new self - one who didn't treat me like shit - surely I would get more done.

Of course, I can't do any of that.  I have to stop being a person I want to throw out of the house.  How to stop, though.  That's the tricky part: Breaking a habit that feels uncontrollable, that's been ingrained over decades.  I've been working on that, trying to become consciously aware of the negative behavior and replacing it with positive blah blah sounds easy is hard heavy sigh. 

Tonight, I finally had a serious (if involuntary) face-to-face with myself, one that might help me take bigger steps on this whole journey.  On one of the sites where I trade art, my friend Sal revived a thread called "A[rtist Trading Cards] through the Years."  The idea is that you post a progression of your work, sort of like this:

When I went back to the very first Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) that I drew in 2010, I just about died.  Granted, when I picked up that pencil in 2010, I hadn't drawn anything since 1985, but I assure you that was not my first thought.  My first thought was an incoherent combination of swearing, gasping, shame, and horror.  This web site where I trade is juried, for God's sake.  No one else on that entire site ever drew anything that looked as bad as those 2010 cards.

Worse yet, I knew that the point of the exercise wasn't to feel bad; it was to feel good, to marvel at the transformations we can't see with our noses pressed to the glass of daily life.  I couldn't feel good, though.  I couldn't feel anything but shame and horror.

But why shame?  I hadn't done anything wrong.  Why on earth would I expect to pick up a pencil after all those years and be awesome?  I wouldn't expect that, and more important still, I couldn't expect that.  The shame made no sense.

That's when it hit me:  I wasn't feeling shame and horror; I was feeling one emotion with two expressions.  I was horrified by the bad cards because I was nervous that people on the site would be horrified.  And somehow, if I was sufficiently horrified - if I was stabbing myself in the eyes with 37 knives - then I wouldn't be hurt by someone else's spear flying into my spleen.

It made me think that maybe I yell at myself because I'm convinced that if I don't, someone else will.  And honestly, I hate it when someone yells at me, lectures me, disapproves of me.  Apparently, I hate it so much that I would rather do it myself, just to be safe.

This is huge, by the way.

I'm figuring this out more or less as I'm typing it, and it feels huge to me.  I yell at myself because I'm afraid of being yelled at.  It's just fear.

I can't fight amorphous frustration with myself for being an asshole.  I can fight fear.  I can talk to fear.  I can pop fear like a balloon.  I can.

Now you'll excuse me, but I'm off to savor this moment, pin in hand.


  1. You are not an asshole, but you are crazy. I love those trading cards. The cat and little red are my favorites. I can't believe you are so hard on yourself. I am 43 and I have a lot of the same thinking., but not towards myself. I told my husband in my next life I want to be a Sniper and a Bass player. :) You make me laugh so much and I hope you read over your post after you write it. I am sending you a big hug from CA. Have a great weekend, chin up Butthole...

    1. "Chin up butthole." OMG, that made me laugh out loud! I hope you get to be a sniper and a bass player next time around, you sweet killer, you. <3

  2. I would like a citrus honey soul shred and a rejuvenating rubber cement enema. Sooooo peely.

    I am happy for you! They say we're all our own worst critic, but there are people out there who have no inner critic, and I think you got theirs, too. You can beat your fears.


    1. I am happy for me, too! I have rarely had a revelation that made me feel so deeply peaceful. I still feel peaceful, just sitting here. And do you know how many times I have worried about how people will react to this blog post? ZERO. I can totally beat my fears! RAWR!

      (And OMG, this so isn't the point, but did you love playing with rubber cement as much as I did? Because as soon as that jar came out, I stopped listening to whatever the teacher was saying. It is my siren's song.)

    2. Yay for peaceful!!! :D

      I love rubber cement! That rub-rub-rub peel thing was endlessly fascinating. Also coating my hand in plain white glue and peeling it off. I still like to peel gel medium off my fingers.

  3. Wonderful post! <3 You made me laugh bigtime :D
    All steps to being free-er are <3

    1. Amen, girl! Amen! I have so much love in me I feel like a fricking Care Bear! (Don't tell anyone. I don't want to ruin my rep. HAR.)

      Thanks for commenting!

  4. just knowing that someone as infinitely awesome as you are does the exact same thing to herself as i do gives me hope for the future! i have the added fear of what i like to call the "American Idol Effect". i worry that if i allow myself to feel or express any confidence in my "talent" that ill come across looking like one of those deluded idiots on AI who think they are all that and a bag of lemon drops when the rest of the free world is laughing at them and how ridiculous and completely clueless they really are.

    on a side note...and thinking about white sister and i used to make little puddles of glue on our desks at home and when they were dry, peel them off and make them into fake finger nails. hadnt thought about that in years!

    1. You should have hope! You can conquer this! Nothing bad will come of having confidence, I swear.

      Also, man, why didn't you invite me over to make fake nails with you?! That sounds heavenly!

  5. Ok, excuse me for one moment while I paste this thing you said:
    No one else on that entire site ever drew anything that looked as bad as those 2010 cards.
    You cannot believe that. I absolutely forbid you to believe that. Because guess what, it is SILLY. Also not even a teensy bit true. For goodness sake!

    I do know how you feel, at least a bit. You've got a terrific writing style and may tend to, er, hyberbolize - but in the best way. (I totally made up that word. I think I will keep it. I should look it up. Maybe I did not make it up. Haha.) ANYWAY. I think I do know. But I keep running across quotes like this:

    “When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.” ~Abraham Joshua Heschel

    I value kindness about mad skillz of any sort, in others. A combination of the two is pretty kick ass, though. :D

    Anyway, I don't know if I had a point! I have found that putting in the hours to improve your craft will give you confidence. And being fine with the fact that not everyone will love it. And being nice to people. And reminding other people to be nice to people.

    And by the way, you wrote the nicest notes to me while I was on my family trip of madness. (Which ended up just fine!)

    1. (Holy cow, what kind of rambling, no-sense message did I leave here?! And typos!) In any case, you are a terrific artist, and your humor and ability to come up with hilarious situations and illustrate them is without peer at iatcs. Sure, some of those folks are super great technically. But 1. we'll get there, and 2. that is only one part of the skillset, and you have many other parts that they are lacking.

      Not that anyone should compare themselves to other people that way so much! But you know what I mean. Unless I've left two horribly nonsensical messages. I will stop now. :P

    2. I actually find all the cards fascinating! I especially love the cat (I love cats!). You're just human, criticizing yourself. I must clarify that, because there are egomaniacs who think the rest of us are cretins and they are perfect. So be real happy you are not one of those nut cases!

  6. You so weren't rambling! I appreciate all of your lovely, kind comments! <3

    And you're right . . . we WILL get there! :D

  7. Oh My God!!! Reading this, I realize that I do this so BAD! I drew up some of yalls 100 Things to Draw when Your Bored things, and it took me like 30 minuets to link my page up so yall could see them! (I was so worried yall wouldnt like them) Finally, one of my innerselves (the brave, uncaring one), told me, 'link 'em up, if the don't like them, you can always hide in your room for eterinity, and write homicidal letters to the coulds (one by one!!!)' Then Sarah saw them, and her positive reactions encouraged me to draw more and more, but even with that, the more I look at them, the the more I find flaws and want to hide away... writing... Even my family tells me I'm good (and that I should go to school for it), thou, one of the voices says that would be a bad idea.. very bad.. so embarising... hide away in your room... So yeah, Iv'e got it bad. Even so (voices and all lol) you gals have got me seriously picking up a pencil for the fitst time in over two years, since my dad died I almost completly shut down creatively, and you brought me back Yay!! And now you've got me shuting down all the internal negitivity!! I love you gals to pieces!!!!

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