Saturday, October 10, 2015

Drawlloween So Far

Here are my ATCs for Drawlloween, the Halloween drawing challenge that I may or may not finish.  (I'm racing to catch up because blah blah blah reasons.)

Prompt 1 - Ghost

Prompt 2 - Devil

Prompt 3 - Goblin

Prompt 4 - Vampire
Prompt 5 - Werewolf (I made him a Luchadora b/c it was the only way)

Prompt 6 - Haunted House
Prompt 7 - Pumpkin

Prompt 8 - Zombie

Prompt 9 - Eyeball

Prompt 10 - Alien

Prompt 11 - Raven (American raven dressing up as French raven)
Prompt 12 - The Moon (touching the mountain lake)

Prompt 13 - Frankenstein (diptych)

Prompt 14: Bat (he hangs upside down, but this is the best way to see him)
And . . . I'm just sticking this here because I need it somewhere.  Nice, I know.

1 comment:

    Obviously I missed this post. But, I have just gone through my little blog list and it seems I have missed everyone's posts for approximately the last half of this year, which has sped by on the wings of... something super stupid way too fast. To be all technical and sh^t. :D

    Your painting skills are fantastically fantastic, with such growth in such a small amount of time. (Seemingly? Or, it's lots of time and I have no idea how to even track it anymore. Do you see a theme with this commentary? Mm hmm.)

    Favorites from the above include:
    The ghost! Wonderfully terrific idea and so well done!
    The goblin! I just love his cute little face and accessories and he is among my favorite goblins of all time.
    The house! Such wonderful spooky perspective on this terrific house with the fab fancy architectural details!
    The Frankenstein ones! Such fabulous hilarious expressions on both faces. Such wonderful detail!

    So. You gonna post more things? Probably you are too busy. And of course there's that whole stupid time flying thing happening.

    Cindy :D
