Here are my ATCs for Drawlloween, the Halloween drawing challenge that I may or may not finish. (I'm racing to catch up because blah blah blah reasons.)
Prompt 1 - Ghost |
Prompt 2 - Devil |
Prompt 3 - Goblin
Prompt 4 - Vampire |
Prompt 5 - Werewolf (I made him a Luchadora b/c it was the only way) |
Prompt 6 - Haunted House |
Prompt 7 - Pumpkin
Prompt 8 - Zombie |
Prompt 9 - Eyeball |
Prompt 10 - Alien |
Prompt 11 - Raven (American raven dressing up as French raven) |
Prompt 12 - The Moon (touching the mountain lake) |
Prompt 13 - Frankenstein (diptych) |
Prompt 14: Bat (he hangs upside down, but this is the best way to see him) |
And . . . I'm just sticking this here because I need it somewhere. Nice, I know.