Saturday, February 28, 2015

29 Faces: Feb 27-28

Before I present my final face for the month of February, here's the one I forgot.  I painted this last week, several days before Leonard Nimoy left us.  Sniff.

#27: Spock
And now, finally, #28, which is problematic in at LEAST 28 ways, but hey.  This is an angry feminist.  The face is modeled on that of an early Canadian feminst, but I'm sure she wouldn't have been holding any such sign, so I'll leave her name out of it.

This would totally have been me, if I'd been born in the 19th century


  1. Haha! Both hilarious but the Spock one is totally fab.

  2. hehehehee... this was so entertaining. ;) Love your faces AND the sign! Sometimes, that's just the way it is. Interesting artwork. I'd say you're well on your way of taking over the world. xx
