Friday, January 10, 2014

Canvas #7: 30 Canvases in 30 Days

As much as I love to paint historical figures and characters from pop culture, I felt compelled to do one girl who lives only in my imagination.  So!  I did a sweet little circus girl with flapper hair and a very stumpy chin.  Stumpy chins make me melt like a Snickers in a hot car!

Here was my start: a red base with a purple flower stencil and streaks of lilac and goldenrod:

Once that dried, I got very pouncy with a dark green, which looks well nigh black against the red:

After adding touches of white, I was ready to gesso!

I was really very much in love with her at this point, which made me nerrrrrrrvous about painting on the mouth.  So I didn't!  I used a gel pen and drew it on!  When I didn't like quite where I put it, I quickly wiped it away and redrew it!  I'm going to have to use this technique again!


  1. The combination of the stumpy chin and the bulbous nose is making ME do the snickers thing. She is so sweet.. and that hair! Killing me!

    1. Aww! Yay for melty Snickersness!

      I would so have that hair if I could pull it off. Alas. I can't. :(

  2. Oh, I so LOVE her! I love her expression.

  3. Oooh, she is FANTASTIC! An impish delight, slightly startled, perhaps, by noises in the yard. Also, what a CUTE TINY NOSE. I am scared to do a person. :D

    1. You shouldn't be scared, though! You rock the people! Give it a whirl! Amaze yourself!
